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Storytime Magic


The Magic of Storytime


Storytime is a cherished tradition that holds a special kind of magic for young children. It’s more than just reading; it’s an opportunity to bond, learn, and grow.

Two toddlers sit on wooden steps, reading a colorful book. One wears a rainbow shirt, the other a pink top with blue floral leggings. Grass below.

Why is it so important?


  • Language Development

Storytime exposes children to a rich vocabulary and complex sentence structures. Listening to stories helps them develop language skills, enhance their comprehension, and improve their ability to express themselves.


  • Imagination and Creativity

Stories transport children to different worlds, sparking their imagination and creativity. They learn to envision characters, settings, and scenarios, which fosters creative thinking.


  • Emotional Intelligence

Through stories, children experience a wide range of emotions and learn to empathize with the characters. This helps them understand and manage their own emotions and develops emotional intelligence.


  • Cognitive Skills

Listening to stories improves concentration, memory, and critical thinking. Children learn to follow plots, predict outcomes, and recall details, which are essential cognitive skills.


  • Bonding Time

Storytime provides a special opportunity for caregivers and children to bond. It’s a time of closeness and shared experiences, strengthening the emotional connection between them.

three children read a book together

Five Easy Ideas to Encourage the Love of Storytime


  • Create a Cozy Reading Nook

Designate a comfortable, inviting space for storytime. Fill it with soft cushions, blankets, and a variety of books to make it a special place where children look forward to spending time.


  • Incorporate Storytelling Props

Use puppets, stuffed animals, or simple props to bring stories to life. Acting out parts of the story makes it more engaging and interactive.


  • Make Storytime a Routine

Establish a regular storytime routine, such as before bed or after lunch. Consistency helps children look forward to and anticipate this special time each day.


  • Choose Diverse and Engaging Books

Select books that cover a range of topics, cultures, and themes. Including diverse stories helps children see themselves and others in the books they read, broadening their perspectives.


  • Encourage Participation

Involve children in the storytelling process. Ask questions, let them predict what happens next, or have them retell the story in their own words. This active participation enhances their engagement and comprehension.


Cultivating a love for storytime in young children not only enriches their development but also fosters a lifelong passion for reading and learning. Through the magic of stories, children embark on countless adventures, expand their horizons, and build a strong foundation for learning and life.

Two children sit on a couch; one reads a colorful book, the other holds a wooden bowl. Face paint on both, bright and playful setting.




Eduplay Childcare Westgate   ||   7 Northside Drive, Westgate, Auckland, 0814   ||    PH: 09 965 5477
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