We have so many children getting ready to start school soon. This is an exciting milestone for all of us. Especially parents.
The big question…Is your child ready to start school?
There are five main areas that we consider the most important factors to your child having a smooth transition to ‘big school’.

Social Skills
School is as much about learning social dynamics as it is about academics. Childcare is the first opportunity for your child to practice sharing, taking turns, and playing cooperatively with others.
Consistency in daily routines helps children feel secure and prepared for the structure of a school day. At Eduplay, we follow a routine that becomes more structured as your child moves through the rooms, approaching their fifth birthday. When your child starts school, they will be used to following a routine.
Simple tasks like dressing themselves, using the bathroom, and tidying up their belongings are important skills for school readiness. It is helpful to teach your child how to handle these tasks independently, so they feel confident managing small responsibilities without constant assistance.
Pre-Academic Skills
While academic readiness varies for each child, introducing basic concepts like recognizing letters, numbers, shapes, and colours can be helpful. Offering plenty of opportunity and access to reading and books builds language and listening skills. Our preschool room offers plenty of activities to make learning fun and interactive.
Talk About What to Expect
Visiting your child’s school, looking at the playground and classroom is an important part of preparing your child for this new environment. Once your child has visited the school you can talk about it and explain what your child might do in these spaces during the day. Becoming familiar with their new school before they start will help ease any nervousness, and build excitement. If you are unable to visit the new school, you can use photos or video to explore as well.

Starting school is a big step, but with preparation and encouragement, your child will feel ready to embrace this new adventure. With a focus on building their confidence and fostering curiosity they will be off to a great start.